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Here's the scoop...

Mobocracy released their first demo cd, self-titled, back in februrary with four songs on it, including favorites "mobocracy" and "gypsy." They have currently sold almost 100 cds just around town.

David says they are working on many more songs...enough for an entire album right now. Their sound is becoming much rockier right now. Very chill.

5/4/02-Mobocracy is playing at a local museum in Laguna Beach...they come on right after a little boys' choir. :D

6/02: Mobocracy will be playing a show in Los Angeles with Endor, 48 Mananas, Fighting Shatner, and A Static Lullaby. It's one huge party for my friend's graduation. Email me if you would like to come.

7/02-Mobocracy will be playing the orange county fair this summer ( http://www.ocfair.com ), playing between 3 and 6 shows. Should be awesome!


Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!